You Are Cordially Invited to Our "Sneak Peek At the Avon Experience" Presentation

This Friday, October 7 at 12:00 Noon,  you are intived to join us here in Hampton, Virginia for our First Fall Opportunity Presentation of the Year, "Sneak Peak at the Avon Experience". This 30 minute presentation is open to everyone.

Now is the perfect time to get started with Avon and own your own business. If you would like to get your business started after the presentation, we will be available to get you started and the process takes about 1 hour.  You will not need to bring anything to the sneak peak, but if you plan to get started on Friday, you should bring with you a picture i.d. and $10 (check, cash, or credit card).

There is no limit to the number of people you can invite, however a RSVP would be greatly appreciated.

Visit my contact page to RSVP for this event. When checking in, be sure to mention Sarah Kim, as the one who invited you to the event, so that I can assist you. The event location is:
Avon Hampton Training Center, 2013 Cunningham Dr. Ste 104, Hampton, Virginia 23666, (next to the Water Edge Church, behind Denny's Restaraunt [located in the Riverdale Shopping Center])

If you can't make it on that day, due to prior arrangements or distance, then you can always schedule an online presentation.

I'm excited and hope you are too, by now. Looking to have a blast. Hope to see you there! And as always, thank you for choosing AVON.

Sarah's AVON Blog Spot is brought to you by AVON Independent Sales. Visit AVON Independent Sales on the Web, for more information about AVON, the company, and it's representative company, AVON Independent Sales. Register for a free account to receive special promotions, news and deals. Contact me with any questions or concerns. Find out how you can earn extra cash by hosting an eparty with AVON Independent Sales. Be sure to bookmark Sarah's AVON Blog Spot, and come back often, as page is updated frequently. As always, thank you for your interest in AVON.

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  1. What a brilliant idea for getting people to find out more about the great opportunity of AVON (I am an AVON leader in the UK) I also absolutely love your blog - it's brilliant :-) Sarah xx

  2. Hey there, Sarah. Welcome from the US. Thank you very much. I also invite you to visit and like my Avon Facebook page @ We have a little small community there, but I'm trying to get it going and growing.


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