Wednesday, December 2, 2009

AVON Saves You $$$$

AVON saves you money. Compare and see for yourself. Use this AVON Comparison sheet to count up the savings over the competition.
Click here for AVONs Comparison Worksheet

You will need  Adobe PDF reader to access this file. If you do not have Adobe, you can download it free here

AVON Beauty Tip of the Day

Hello Ladies, keeping your skin beautiful is hard work. But once you get into the habit, it gets easier.

Skin care tip: Never go to bed with your makeup on.

AVON has tons of skin care products. But which one is just for you? You can create your own beauty profile, free online. Just visit my website at
and create one today. AVON will recommend the products that are just right for your skin type. Try it today!

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you again for your interest in AVON.

Sarah Kim,
Sarah's AVON Blog Spot Manager, AVON Independent Sales Owner

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Holidays from AVON Independent Sales

Welcome to Sarah's AVON Blog Spot. I want to wish you all a happy and safe Holiday Season. In the upcoming year, I am planning some and exciting events and topics to blog about. Stay tuned. I invite you to join us here by signing up for our updates.

Thanks again for your interest in AVON.

Sarah Kim
Sarah's AVON Blog Spot Manager, AVON Independent Sales Owner

Limited Time Offer-Become an Avon Representative for FREE!

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