Monday, August 2, 2010

AVON Representative Tips: How to Manage and Grow Your Business

Good evening. I wanted to add a twist to my post today. I was contacted by a fellow representative today, and her message got lost in my mail; my sincere apologies, Adrienne. I do want to thank you for visiting my blog. I want to address a question that she asked me.

Q. Hi, Sarah...I am new to AVON and I was wondering if you could help me with my AVON business?

A. First, I would like to say, Welcome to AVON. You have taken a wonderful step into the world of a global adventure.  I will not sell you any high-pitched sales scheme and make any played out promises. I will tell you that you have an opportunity to make your AVON business into what you want it to be and get out of it what you want. This all takes hard work, patience, creativity, and perserverance.

Briefly, I would like to share some tips with you that can help you manage and grow your AVON business.

  1. Become knowledgeable. Ask questions. Be inquisitive. Do research. Find out the tax and business laws that apply to you, in your area. Also, take advantage of the training AVON provides for you. Get to know the products you sell. Review your brochures every campaign. Your customers will appreciate that you can answer their questions. This shows that you are interested in them and not just in making a sale.
  2. Plan. Sit down and write out a plan. What do you want out of your AVON business? How many customers do you now have and how many do you want to gain? How much are your campaign sales? What can you do to gain more customers and more sales? What can you do to retain customers? This should be part of your plan.  Each campaign, sit down and review your brochures. What sales are coming up? What's New at AVON. Inform your customers in a newsletter; printed or via email. (You have an email newsletter program if you are registered with, and you have a website). Also, pass out samples and trial  products. People absolutely love this, because they get to try before they buy.
  3. Demo- You are your AVON Store. Buy AVON products and show them off. (Do buy responsibly though. AVON gives its representatives credit, so buy only what you can afford. You'll have to pay your bill, before your next campaign order is submitted. It does help that you get discounts on your purchases though)
  4. Time Management- It is important that you schedule AVON business activities into your daily life. Preparing brochures, reviewing upcoming sales events, prospecting, advertising, taking and placing orders, dealing with customer requests and inquires, etc. These all take time, and most definitely should be penciled in on your calendar
  5. Be patient- I want to reiterate here the importance of patience. No business was ever grown overnight. All things take time. So, don't go head over heels. Don't be pressured into making it to the top right away. You have to start at the bottom of the mountain, and work your way up.
I wish you all much success. If you are not an AVON Representative, I invite you to contact me for information on how you can become one today. Feel free to leave your comments or questions on this post. 

Sarah Kim,
AVON Blog Spot Manager

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