Thanks for Your Interest In AVON

AVON Independent Sales wants to thank you for your continued interest in AVON.  If you are interesting in becoming an Avon Representative, and you live in the Hampton Roads, VA area,  please view our Avon Opportunity presentation for more information or contact me with any questions or to schedule an appointment. If you would like to place an AVON order, you can click on the "Shop Now: link after registering. Registration is always free. If you need help in shopping my online store, click on the "How to Shop My Store Link"

When shopping with AVON Independent Sales, you always have the convenience of prompt, courteous delivery from your AVON Representative. Orders are placed every 2 weeks. Just in time to help you replenish your supplies while watching your wallet. Pay when your order comes in.

With AVON's direct delivery service, you can choose to have AVON ship your order directly to you. Just place your order on my website. AVON will receive your order and ship it to you immediately and directly. You simply pay securely using your Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express card. AVON Now accepts PayPal. It's just that simple, and with this method, there's no waiting 2 weeks to get your order. So, let's say, your best friend's birthday is 1 week before the next AVON order is to be submitted. You found the perfect gift, but obviously if you order the Representative Delivery way, you won't receive it on time. So what do you do? You can place your order on my website as normal, but this time choose Direct Delivery instead of Representative Delivery. You will need to pay immediately by credit card or PayPal, in order for AVON to ship your order directly to you.

Both methods save you both time and gas

Start Shopping today and see for yourself.

Thank you sincerely,

Sarah Kim, AVON Independent Sales, Certified Beauty Consultant

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